Red Hot Ramble

The Band

Longstanding pianist and vocalist Roberta Hunt who had spent 14 years with legendary Traditional Jazz band ‘The Happy Pals’, (a literal institution of traditional jazz every Saturday afternoon at Grossman’s Tavern for over four decades on the Toronto music scene) decided to step out and try new musical adventures … one band’s ‘loss’ was another’s huge gain and Glenn and Jack knew they had the ‘voice’ and pianist of their new band. Both Glenn and Jack had long been sidemen in the band of jump/blues musician/songwriter ‘Big Rude Jake’ who began employing a rising star on the music scene, sax player Alison Young. It quickly became clear that Glenn, Jack, Roberta and Alison had a certain chemistry that quickly translated into a new band on the Toronto music scene … the band is called Red Hot Ramble! When the band recorded its first CD, ‘Red Hot Ramble’ another Big Rude Jake alumni was invited to play trombone on a few cuts … his name is Jamie Stager. Red Hot Ramble became a quintet and recently celebrated their 5th anniversary of performing wherever people and music come together!